How To Successfully Lead Yourself From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be.

How to successfully lead yourself from where are to where you want to be.

Enabling Your Vision Sessions

Enabling Your Vision Sessions will help you to unpack your backpack, to build a solid foundation and create momentum on your journey towards your vision.

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Your True Potential

The source of all creation is pure consciousness, pure potentiality seeking expression from the un -manifest to the manifest. And when we realize that…

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NEW! The Body’s Blueprint Coaching Program

The Body’s Blueprint Coaching Program will help you to return to vibrant health and your ideal weight. Get access to the Free Workshop, How to return to vibrant health and your ideal weight…

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Champions Mindset Course

We were born with extraordinary dreams and visions in our hearts. Determined, full of self-belief and self-confidence to pursue our journey to …

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10-years of coaching experience.

Life Mastery and High Performance Coach Pretoria

Welcome to Nelene Flemming Life Mastery Coaching. Visiting my website shows that you have followed the guidance from your heart in the right direction and toward the right place. 

  • Do you want Spiritual Maturity, Mental Wellness, Emotional Wealth, and Vibrant Health?
  • Do you feel lost or stuck? 
  • Do you want to be successful? 
  • Do you want to become the best version of yourself?
  • Do you want to make a difference in the world and don’t know where to start?
  • Does your heart yearn to have a coach and mentor to guide you through challenging times?

When you answered “yes” to the questions, continue reading. 

The meaning of mastery is self-control, self-discipline, simplicity in your life, contentment, maturity, having life in order from the inside out, and releasing what no longer serves you, being sound-minded. 


“Mastery is a benefactor in living a full and successful life.” 


  • We coach our clients to lead, not to follow. 
  • We help to bring more out of clients than what they can bring out of themselves. 
  • It is to build people – an approach that is a powerful method of producing leaders and yields long-term results.
  • We help leaders, yes, you are a born leader, to take responsibility and act to maximize their true potential. 
  • We help our clients create life from the inside- out.
  • Discover your potential to maximize your growth. 
  • Empower the client to generate ideas and decision-making skills. 
  • We also guide our clients to let go of negative emotions that hold them back and replace the self-limiting beliefs, I am not good enough, or I am a failure, with new empowering beliefs, I am good enough.
  • We coach in person, virtual, or by traveling.
  • We coach in English and Afrikaans.

“It is my 9th year in business, helping clients and transforming their lives successfully.”


The Champions Mindset is for individuals and professional athletes who want to live life like a gold medalist.

Life Mastery Sessions are one session where I will help you to solve a challenge you are experiencing. 

Enabling your Vision Sessions are a series of sessions that will help you transform your life, and equip you to move on in life and achieve your goals. 

The Discover Your True Potential program will help you to discover your unique talents and gifts. 

Do you feel that your negative emotions are weighing your down? Emotional Wealth will help you to release negative emotions and limiting stories to feel a sense of joy, freedom and forward movement.

If you are a certified life coach, the Coach Mentoring Course will help you to start a successful coaching business.


Individuals who are 80%-99% ready and committed to:

Start moving from where they are to where they want to be. 

Are you ready to transform your life?

Book your free 15-minute coaching conversation to meet and create a forward-moving action plan.



We want to remind you that you are a born leader. Leaders influence positive change. The world needs more empowering leaders. We want to help you to ignite the empowering leader within you.


The tree that is firmly rooted and nurtured reaches its ultimate potential. Enough said.


We encourage daily meaningful actions consistently. What do you want to harvest? Sow the seeds daily. We help our clients to have faith, trust, and perseverance. Enjoy the journey.


We value heart-centered, kind, and compassionate conversations and relationships with our clients. Deep connections lead to remarkable progress.


We believe the world needs leaders with integrity. Integrious leadership starts with leading yourself. Do what is right. Self-honesty is the stepping stone to high self-esteem.


We encourage every leader to value self-mastery. The meaning of mastery is self-control, self-discipline, simplicity in your life, contentment, maturity, having life in order from the inside out, and releasing what no longer serves you, being sound-minded.


We believe that one of the most inner transformational tools is to be congruent. Your whole being and actions align with what you say. You are going to do. We live and lead with congruence. 


We love the idea that every woman must be empowered by having a voice, having positive self-confidence, and being an empowered leader.

Your next step is to book your free 15-minute coaching conversation to meet and create a forward-moving action plan.



“Go further than you have ever gone before.”